Help NMA help Nevada museums

Please take a few minutes to respond to our IDEA survey. (SURVEY NOW CLOSED) Created by the NMA board’s IDEA committee, the survey will help us to determine how the NMA can best help Nevada museums address issues of diversity, accessibility, and inclusion and create more equitable institutions (IDEA = Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility). We will use your responses to help plan out how and where our resources can make the most difference for Nevada museums, as we all confront the difficult issues facing our museums. 

The survey should take less than a half hour to complete, depending on your particular role and experience in Nevada museums. Questions deal with areas across the spectrum of museum practice and not all will apply to your specific circumstances — feel free to skip any questions that don’t apply to you or that you prefer not to answer. All answers will be kept anonymous.

The survey will run until November 30. Responses will be compiled and analyzed by the IDEA committee and a preliminary report issued in early 2022. If you are interested in being part of the IDEA committee and helping direct the NMA’s efforts in this area, please email Dustin Wax at


Thank you for your time and energy, and for helping us better understand your needs.

New schedule for the NMA Happy Hour and a new event, the NMA Coffee Klatsch

Starting in June, the NMA Happy Hour will be held at a new time and on a new bi-monthly schedule, and a new event, the NMA Coffee Klatsch, will be added to our schedule.

The NMA Coffee Klatsch will be a bi-monthly meetup taking place at 10am on the last Friday of every other month. The first one will be held on June 25 and is open to all museum workers. Each meetup will be loosely structured around a theme; the June 25 event theme is “Meet the NMA Board”.

The NMA Happy Hour will remain a more free-wheeling chance to relax with fellow museum workers and discuss whatever strikes your fancy. With everyone going back to work on-site and more traditional weekend activities opening up again, Friday evenings are getting a little crowded, so we’ve moved the event to the last Wednesday of every other month, at 6pm.

Here’s the schedule for the rest of 2021:

  • Coffee Klatsch, Friday, June 25, 10 am, “Meet the NMA Board”
  • Virtual Happy Hour, Wednesday,  July 28, 6 pm
  • Coffee Klatsch, Friday, August 27, 10 am, “Topic TBD”
  • Virtual Happy Hour, Wednesday,  September 22, 6 pm
  • NMA ANNUAL CONFERENCE – no meetup this month
  • Coffee Klatsch, Friday, October 22, 10 am “Feedback from the NMA Conference”
  • Break for November and December

Here is the link to join the NMA Coffee Klatsch through the end of the year:

See you there!

2020 Conference Sessions Now Online for NMA Members

Thank you to everyone who attended our 2020 online conference on October 23. If you missed it, or just want a refresher, we are making recordings of the conference sessions available online for all our members. To access the recordings, go to and log in with your NMA member email and password (if you haven’t logged in before, use the “Forgot password” function to set a password).  Nonmembers can join NMA at  

We have posted all three member presentations, and are working with Elizabeth Merritt and AAM for permission to post our keynote, so it may appear later. We appreciate all the presenters for bringing their expertise to the meeting and look forward to presenting more great museum content in the future!

Travel Nevada Offers Recovery Grant for NV Rural Museums

Travel Nevada was awarded federal Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) to aid in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel Nevada will be distributing $1.65 million of those funds through its COVID-19 Rural Recovery Grant Program. The timelines for this program are coming up fast: the program opens Sept. 30; applications are due by Oct. 18; and money must be expended by Dec. 30, 2020, due to federal requirements.

Travel Nevada will be hosting three virtual workshops on this grant program:Wednesday, Sept. 30 at 3 p.m.Thursday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m.Friday, Oct. 2 at 1 p.m.

Contact Shari Bombard,, with questions and for the Zoom link for the workshops.

This information also is posted on Please forward and share to tourism partners that may be interested.

Open Letter in Support of the Douglas County Public Library

The below letter was approved by the NMA board and sent to the Chair of the Douglas County Public Library Board of Trustees.

September 01, 2020

Douglas County
Attn: Chair of the Douglas County Public Library Board of Trustees
1594 Esmeralda Av.
Minden, NV 89423

Dear Douglas County Public Library Board of Trustees:

The fundamental role of public spaces like libraries and museums is to provide safe and welcoming spaces to their community. Libraries and museums do not and will not achieve this goal until Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)’s safety and well- being are explicitly considered in policy and procedure, management practices, and public-facing operations of these establishments.

The Nevada Museums Association adamantly supports the Diversity Statement proposed by the Douglas County Public Library, as reported in the KIRO7 Seattle news article published July 29, 2020. The statement as reported is not an overtly political statement, but rather an affirmation to provide high-quality mission-based programming to all members of the Douglas County community. “The Douglas County Public Library denounces all acts of violence, racism, and disregard for human rights. We support #BlackLivesMatter. We resolutely assert and believe that all forms of racism, hatred, inequality and injustice don’t belong in our society.

Regardless of anyone’s stance on the current protests, political climate, or even the presence of an unprecedented pandemic, all people deserve the right to not be discriminated against on the basis of color, race, religion, sex, gender, or any other protected status.

The issuance of a diversity statement, or a welcome for all BIPOC, is not a protest, but a stance supporting conversation and inclusion. County libraries are safe places for members of the public, however, without an acknowledgement of diversity and inclusion, libraries will not be safe for anyone.


The Nevada Museums Association Executive Committee

NMA 2020 Board Elections

It’s time to vote for our 2021-2022 board members! NMA board members serve 2-year terms and occupy one of seven board positions:

  • President (The first vice-president automatically assumes this role at the end of the outgoing president’s 2-year term)
  • First Vice-President
  • Second Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Website and Social Media Editor
  • Newsletter Editor

Current and past board members are eligible to run for either their current position (aside from the president, whose position automatically transfers to the current first vice-president) or other positions on the board.

Please follow the link below to vote in the 2020 board election. Please contact our board president, Garrett Barmore, at if you have any questions or concerns about the election. Voting will close September 15.

The current NMA board would like to thank the Nomination Committee for recruiting passionate and skilled candidates.


Webinar: Bringing the World Back to Your Venue (May 1, 10am PDT; Free)

March 15, 2020 will be remembered for the day the world changed for most businesses in Nevada.  Almost overnight, Nevada’s museums and attractions were transformed from vibrant places of learning and socialization to darkness.  While none of us could have predicted this, we have come face to face with this reality and we need a strong plan to rebuild and move forward.

Organizations need to build trust with the public and create demand again for its venues.  Join us May 1, 10am PDT, for a free webinar designed to offer ideas and suggestions of things to do before and after- re-opening that will lead to a successful and sustainable future for your institution.


Craig S. Galati, FAIA, FSMPS, CPSM LGA Architecture

Craig Galati is a Principal and Shareholder of LGA.  His strength lies in helping teams develop forward-thinking, strategic solutions for the firm’s clients. Through his passion for workshop facilitation and public outreach, Craig has provided invaluable clarity and direction to multiple public and private organizations. Craig is an accomplished speaker and has worked with many organizations on leadership and strategy.

Craig is highly respected for his integrity and has received numerous honors throughout his career, including the AIA “Nevada Service Award,” the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce “Community Achievement Award for Business,” and the American Planning Association “DeBoer Excellence in Planning Award” for his outstanding service on the City of Las Vegas Planning Commission. Craig is also a recipient of the AIA Nevada Silver Medal and joined LGA in 1988.

Galati’s current community work includes membership in both the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee and the Downtown Alliance. Craig also is a Board Member of The Mob Museum and is a past national Society President for the Society for Marketing Professional Services

To join the webinar

    To join the webinar online, click this link:

    To join in your Zoom app use Meeting ID: 969 0517 6774
    Password: 904950

    To join by phone, dial in by your location:

    • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)       
    • +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)       
    • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)       
    • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)       
    • +1 253 215 8782 US       
    • +1 301 715 8592 US
    • Find your local number:

    Meeting ID: 969 0517 6774
    Password: 904950

    Nevada Museums Association